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Learned Professionals as Refugees?

Refugees & Asylum Law Essay:- _________________ The Case for Adding Fear of Persecution On Account of Learned Profession to the Definition of Refugee in the Immigration and Nationality Act Table of Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………………… Hypothetical: Story of Dr Ali Mo………………………………… Discussion Overview………………………………………..…………. The Goal of Refugee and Asylum Law: Implication of…

Invest in Africa: Framing the Legal Risks

A Brief Overview Discussed Through the Binoculars of a Soccer Game _________________ An investment opportunity and a soccer game might have more in common than meets the eye.  For starters, both involve goals.  For experts, both activate the spirit of competition and require strategy implementation.  A soccer game can be…

Child Labor Ban vs. Economic Sustenance

How would you decide which is more just:-   _________________ THOUGHT: Should there be an outright ban on child labor based on the notion that it is unfair to the child because it exploits the child as a means to advance the parent’s economic interest?   THESIS: No, there should…

Intellectual Capital Management

The term intellectual capital collectively refers to all the intangible resources that determine the value and the competitiveness of a business beyond its physical and financial assets. (See Thomas A. Stewart (1997) “Intellectual Capital – The New Wealth of Organizations; see also Karl Erik Sveiby (1997) “The Intangible Asset Monitor”, J. of Human Resource…

An African Perspective – Law and Diversity

“Owu obodo ni‘ne j‘agbakoro aka a zu nwata.” It takes a whole village to raise a child.  “The child” in the Nigerian proverb above can be viewed as analogous to a law student; “the village” as analogous to a law school; and the act of “raising” the law student as…

Statement of Interest, US African Development Foundation

A people… who are possessed of the spirit of commerce, who see and who will pursue their advantages may achieve almost anything. — George Washington, letter to Benjamin Harrison, October 10, 1784. I am interested in a career in international development re sub-Saharan Africa.  I believe that international development in…

Client Project: Highlighting Small Businesses

Highlight Business News allows companies, organizations, and professionals to tell a unique business story targeted at a local audience. As a consultant for Highlight Business News, I research and draft unique business stories on a per-project basis that highlight each client’s services in a compelling way. The stories are then featured…

Client Project: Green Alert!

Mean Green List helps homeowners and consumers find contractors that are competent and experienced in various green technologies for remodeling and home improvement projects. As  a consultant for Mean Green List (MGL), I worked with Randy Revoyr, MGL Owner and General Manager, to match up general contractors with homeowners seeking…

Client Project: Mediasify Yourself

Sales & Marketing is a skill set and a key dimension of business progress.  Professionally, I have years of experience in Sales and Marketing. This post spotlights my work with the following firm: Mediasify LLC. Mediasify’s mission is to provide an intensified, diversified, and people-focused video, press release, and social…

Client Project: African Political Risk Consulting

Market Research & Risk Analysis – as a skill set and dimension of business progress – is a learned practice. Professionally, I have gained some experience in this area through my past work with B&M Consulting Inc.  B&M Consulting Inc. is the first political risk research and consulting firm focusing exclusively…